Delta Blue Carbon

Delta Blue Carbon

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Delta Blue Carbon

As low as €40.00 /tCO₂e
Building climate resilient communities, nurturing biodiversity and reducing emissions by planting mangroves
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Project Overview

The Sindh Indus Delta is a significant ecological region where the Indus River meets the Arabian Sea. This delta, characterized by tidal river channels, islands, and mangrove forests, supports biodiversity, including rare and endemic species. Over decades, deforestation, reduced freshwater inflows, and grazing have led to significant degradation of these ecosystems. The decline has impacted local communities, who depend on mangroves for resources, and has heightened the area’s vulnerability to climate change and coastal erosion.

Solution Description

This project focuses on restoring mangrove forests across 350,000 hectares in the Sindh Indus Delta Region. Engaging local communities, including 5,000 households, it involves planting 224,997 hectares of mangroves over its lifetime. Community groups participate through Mangrove Stewardship Agreements, fostering responsible livelihoods while protecting and regenerating the ecosystem.

Sustainable Development Goals

1 - No Poverty

10,400+ people

benefit from direct employment and livelihood enhancement programmes

2 - Zero Hunger

8,900+ people

benefit from reduced living costs and employment opportunities

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

43,000 people

are expected to have access to better health services 

4 - Quality Education

34,400 community members

are expected to have improved skills and/or knowledge resulting from training provided as part of project activities

5 - Gender Equality

Women are empowered

through the creation of a dedicated forum for addressing social and development problems 

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

43,000 people

are expected to experience increased water quality and/or improved access to drinking water 

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

Access to clean energy

will be implemented through the provision of solar energy to selected communities

8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

1,000 community members

employed full-time through the project activities

10 - Reduced Inequalities

3,600+ people

benefit from improved agriculture, livestock management & fisheries programme

13 - Climate Action

2,400,000 tonnes of CO2e reduced

on average each year

14 - Life Below Water

Marine species protected

including the river dolphin, Indian pangolin, and fishing cat, thanks to sustainable fisheries and the implementation of relevant sea laws 

15 - Life on Land

224,997 hectares of mangroves

restored and protected 

16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

13 women organisations

formed and consulted


The project aims to sequester approximately 142 million tCO2e over 60 years, averaging 2.4 million tCO2e annually. The restored mangroves contribute to reducing coastal erosion, protecting against storm surges, and supporting biodiversity. Communities benefit from improved livelihoods, training opportunities, and sustainable fishing practices. Gender-inclusive programs further empower local residents, ensuring that environmental restoration aligns with socio-economic development goals.

Project Information

Project Name
Delta Blue Carbon – 1
Commercialisation of the carbon credits sourced via vetted partners
Solution Type
Afforestation, Reforestation Revegetation (ARR)
Verra-VM0033-Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration
Large scale
Sectoral Scope
Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)


In carbon credits, a "vintage" indicates the year a specific amount of CO2 (measured in tonnes) was successfully reduced or removed from the atmosphere.

1100 tCO2e